Sunday, February 13, 2011

Christmas 2010 Road Trip!

Before Noah arrived, everyone kept telling us "it's best to travel with a newborn because they sleep all the time..." However, our little newborn has enjoyed proving this statement wrong! It made our road trip to New Jersey for Christmas pretty interesting - and stressful! But it was so worth it to be with the family including Grammy and Gramps, my sister Kathy, brother-in-law Greg, and little cousin Matthew, my grandmother (Noah's G.G., for Great Grandma) and Uncle Dan.

We tried to get a few pictures with the cousins. Most of the ones we got were Matthew staring at Noah as if to say "why did you put me next to him!?" It was hilarious! Here is a good one of the two of them. (Matthew discovered Noah's puppy dog Robeez shoes!)

Noah loved talking with Uncle Dan! He really lit up when Uncle Dan played with him, and couldn't stop chatting!

He also met his GG for the first time!

And met his Uncle Greg...

Christmas can really wear a guy out!

Talking with Gramps!

Merry Christmas 2010! We hope your Christmas was as joy-filled as ours.

Love, The Shepherds - Frank, Beth, & Noah

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